Water-there's water and there's water...

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Water-there's water and there's water...

Postby Judith » Sun Oct 13, 2013 7:06 pm

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Important to drink a lot of it to flush all the toxins out of the system: start with a pint mug full when you get up , then another pint when you’ve cleaned your teeth later, then you’ve only got another litre or so to go and some of this can of course be herb teas--I also dilute the veggie green juice as the Ph Diet people (see library) recommend. I drink another pint during the night because of course drinking all this you may have to get up at least once… Try to drink bottled water from glass bottles only (plastic bottles already put chemicals into what they contain) and look at the Ph rating in the very small print on most bottles-Sainsbury’s have a good one.

How to deal with tap water---This below is something I picked up which explains this well- and I just put Ph drops in the RO water to balance the alkalinity. As he says, this is an area where (like elsewhere)-there are different views and people often shout loudest for their own product of course—this is what he says:

‘Reverse osmosis water treatment systems are good to use for cooking and drinking. The reverse osmosis systems basically remove everything, minerals, fluoride, heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, insecticides and medications from tap water. With the exception of minerals, removing everything else is excellent. Also I learned that such system was designed for astronauts during their space flights. But when all the minerals are removed from water, the water becomes slightly acidic to about 6.5 pH. My suggestion is to look into water alkalizing treatment systems. Most of them are Korean made, but the best one is made in Japan. I examined a Korean machine for about 12 days and did not like the quality. Then three years ago I bought the Japanese system and everything about that machine is nothing less than excellent. The only thing about these systems is that one must not use Copper and/or Aluminum. We only use glass and stainless steel. Whoever is interested in these machines should do research about alkalized water with their pros and cons, because as with everything people post opposing views to highlight the goodness of their own products.’

There is also a new post on the site (October 2015) about the benefits of Kangen water...posted by jazz lotus So have a look at that too- anyway just cleaning up what you take in is VITAL
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Re: And a winter tip for water....

Postby Judith » Sun Dec 08, 2013 3:33 pm

Ok here we are--have a great glass of hot water with ginger root and lemon first thing in the morning--
ginger root and lemon.jpg
ginger root and lemon.jpg (26.77 KiB) Viewed 10775 times
BUT just leave the ginger root in the bottom of your large mug (it has softened a bit in the hot water) and pour your alkalised water on top--let it stand till you next feel like a drink, and lo the water has a wonderful warming and ginger-infused taste--if you were a wine buff you might say --what? - 'a hint of something exotic from the land of ginger'--ginger came from South East Asia, ended up with the Romans as one of their most highly prized imports--used for medicinal purposes...full circle--Khing Sot is a fresh ginger juice made in Thailand...
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Re: Water-there's water and there's water for parties!

Postby Judith » Sat Oct 11, 2014 6:21 pm

Ok you aren't drinking wine any more, but it doesn't mean you have to feel deprived and sad--fizzy water in a handsome glass with a slice of lemon (or lime) can make you feel part of the festivities...

fizzy delight.jpg
fizzy delight.jpg (26.8 KiB) Viewed 10634 times

ps going cold turkey on alcohol does NOT mean you have to go cold turkey on enjoying yourself!!
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Re: Water-there's water and there's water...more guidance

Postby Judith » Thu Nov 13, 2014 11:54 am

Here is an alkaline water guide which might be of huge help to you-

but just take all this slowly -

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water water everywhere....jpg (10.17 KiB) Viewed 10553 times

I still use the Reverse Osmosis water system with added Ph drops and my blood micro-analysis shows no sign of acid crystals now-(see naturopathy forum) -I talked to my acupuncturist and he suggested that we should be aware of people selling high priced items as 'the only way' when what we ae doing may be 'good enough'..... also he uses a spiralising system and I just stirred vigorously with a long silver spoon my jug of RO water treated with Ph Drops- it produced a wonderful spiral in the water-- livening it up-makes intuitive sense at least to me...

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spiralling water.jpg (9.38 KiB) Viewed 10547 times

You can find water vortexing devices at:


See also the home page: www.simplylivingwater.com/


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