acupuncture therapy

Zoning in on the body's natural healing energy lines. NICE recommends it for various conditions.

acupuncture therapy

Postby joska » Wed Nov 13, 2013 3:31 pm

Joska Ramelow BSc.Hons MBAcC MRCHM Dipl. Soc.

Kanpo Herbalism

Tumours: Support and prevention with Kanpo Clinic

Before talking about the group of diseases that manifest in tumours and cancerous changes of tissues the following should be borne in mind. No complementary practitioner is legally permitted to make any claims for cancer cures. One practical reason is that complementary practitioners are technically not not in a position to make a diagnosis of this nature. Treating cancer is, therefore, the domain of qualified registered medical professionals.

Complementary support of patients with tumours

The Simontons, a married couple of Psychologists, discovered during the 1970's that terminal cancer patients who engaged in personal trauma work started living significantly longer than their fellow patients in a similar situation. The confirmation of substantial differences and positive outcome came when statistical methods were being used to record the results.
These observations are of tremendous importance when trying to understand what complementary methods can do and how they might work.
Generally speaking complementary support is in my experience, very useful in supporting patients in their struggle for natural balance
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through the challenges a diagnosis of cancer poses.
I have found that acupuncture delivers results on many fronts, and ultimately leads to a better foundation of the stressed body systems to cope, and ideally, overcome whatever challenges are being posed. My association and experience, within the setting of a Yokohama cancer clinic for a number of years proved vital in developing many approaches and understanding what an individual person needs at any one time during their journey through these challenging times.

It has clearly shown that beyond any competent conventional approaches it is paramount to keep vital functions at optimum working levels. This could result in a strengthening of Immune functions, the workings of the digestive tract or detoxification functions of liver and kidneys, to name a few. These taken one by one or together can significantly boost the outcome of treatments that follow the conventional path.

The aim is to tailor the complementary approaches in a fitting match to support the treatment plan on the basis of individual therapeutic circumstances and needs.

Although the complexity of the treatment problems posed, are reflected in the plan that will be individually developed, however, in real life the areas tend to be overlapping. (Acupuncture Therapy, Psychological counselling, Nutrition, Aromatherapy massage, or what ever else can be thought of as useful)

In my therapeutic approaches I often resort to acupuncture and herbal remedies as a mainstay, since those are covered by my academic training and education. However, it could also involve nutritional support, (traditional and modern, based on the best scientific evidence available to date) in conjunction with other possible techniques from the spectrum of remedial body work (foot reflexology, aromatherapy, auricular acupuncture etc.)

How does Acupuncture work?

cupuncture is applied by inserting fine filament form needles into energetic points along pathways covering the body surfaces, known as meridians. This is not painful at all, perhaps no more than a pinching sensation at best. These insertions cause a switch in the electric polarities between the central nervous system and the selected surface areas of the body, Dr. Robert Becker observed during his studies in New York, when the polarity is switched many functions that facilitate repair and rebalancing of the whole system are being triggered, and healing sets in. This is not dissimilar to air ionizers which condition stale air back into fresh air since the negative polarity is boosted. This boost via acupuncture will return many body systems back to stronger performance levels and a person feels much better and rested inside after a treatment. Thus health will improve.

As the Simontons discovered so long ago, this state helps a person with severe health challenges to operate from a much better basis for recovery of much vital strength.
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A course of treatment is always advisable, since one off' approaches can hardly make a dent when being encumbered by health problem of a magnitude of order that has developed way beyond the common cold or a slipped disc.
I'll be happy to speak to you if you are interested in trying out acupuncture for your own tailor made needs.

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