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Cansurviving News Letter

PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 2:59 pm
by Lorraine1981
Dear Cansurvivors, Families and Friends,

How are you all?

It's some time since we have produced a Newsletter and we hope again that you'll forgive us- there's always so much to achieve and we do certainly achieve a great deal.

So what's been happening since we last wrote to you in May 2016?

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Well one of the highlights of our subsequent year was the wedding in September 2016 of our communications manager Rose. Her godfather arranged for the reception to be at the Athenaeum Club in London and a grand affair it was indeed after the splicing at the Royal Overseas Club. Notable for us all was that this wedding 'breakfast' was ALL VEGAN! And Rose and Damian have given some of their wedding gift money to support YES TO LIFE, a charity who help people follow approaches to cancer currently not available under the NHS. So many thanks to Mrs and Mr Connolly!

ard on the heels of this came the Women's International Breast Cancer conference, also in London, where site founder Judith gave a talk, with PowerPoint slides. Both talk and PP presentation could be available to any of you who feel you could make use of them in your neck of the woods- just ask. Also on Google: The talk was very well received and called 'fantastic' – micro biologists were particularly interested and Judith and the Ideas Man had good talks with some Chinese micro-biologists working in Canada, as well as an artist called Shirley Bianca from Cologne who has posted on the Creativity after Diagnosis forum. One of the micro-biologists said he agreed that healing was a holistic process, and that much chemotherapy (all?) is funded by drug companies who do not wish to heal cancer, but to keep on keeping on with the money-spinners.… Then the talk Judith gave was converted into a paper and has been published in the international Health Education Journal. (link on the site and available worldwide on Google scholar as was said above). When Rose posted it on Facebook someone praised its moderation and insight and said he would definitely be passing it on...Publishing online costs money now (something Judith was not used to!) but it has been money well-spent…even though we are not a charity so it came out of JE’s pocket...

Andrew the Ideas Man has been hard at work promoting the site (among other things) through his local Streetlife and so has Lorraine, our publicity manager on another local site Next Door- local people have been very grateful and this has upped our numbers considerably- if YOU can go onto your local Streetlife (or equivalent) you too could pass the site on as a service to your local community - ‘noble work’ as a local shopkeeper once said to me. And as one of the people Andrew contacted on Streetlife said: “Andrew I looked at this site and it seems full of different information and helpful stuff like stories and meditation and so forth. Thanks for that which will help a lot of people..Best wishes to you and your wife: it’s hard for the carer too as my son of 23 is finding out..”. And Lorraine received this heartfelt message: “Thank you so much for what you are doing, it is so good to know that there are people concerned,, taking time out of your working day to become involved in helping others...I wish you all health and happiness”. So we are all cruising around our little universes, looking for ways to spread the word...

Our Scotland Representative Patricia is looking after her husband who is ill at the moment- that’s her number one priority of course and we hope he is better soon—meanwhile she is still on the case at a local level.

And now in mid-February 2017 we are over 500 members strong! 532 as of mid February ...One of our most recent members said: “I’ve spent many hours delving through the deeply depressing websites out there and I am entering this with a wonderfully positive feeling.” Another very savvy member has just joined us, calling the site ‘a real gem’. Can’t be bad.. And while of course every member is precious we now have a very knowledgeable naturopath on board, Dr Xandria Williams who specialises in cancer healing: see her posts on the site ( the Yes to Life organisers said ‘she has a brain the size of a planet’) we are indeed blessed to have made this link.... Our great stats page shows countries where people are accessing the info and at the moment Russia and the Ukraine have more hits than the UK! Chile is doing pretty well too...And well over 1000 people (1101 Feb 14) have accessed the “How do I Start” forum alone since it was set up in response to member feedback. One day not so long ago there were 57 people on line at once…. Thousands of people access the site each month. Just remember: LITTLE HINGES OPEN BIG DOORS….

'It is necessary for health to reduce empathy for others' – that's one to ponder- so important not to become overwhelmed by others' needs, our own are crucial too… and out of darkness, creativity comes forth, as Shirley Bianca the artist exemplifies … Leonard Cohen died at the end of 2016 and one of his last songs sums it up: ‘Forget your perfect offering, there is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in’...The Cancer Mavericks group on the web in December 2016 called us 'a brilliant resource'… It's a good word that, 'resource'---RE- source-- so you can come back again and again to browse and see something new that you may have missed last time...

As Louise Hay says: One of my favourite things about the secret to profound transformation is this: seismic changes often emerge from the simplest practices — basic words, elemental moments made sacred by the humble fact that we just show up. At the Cancer Conference, although we felt doubtful about showing up at such a 'scientific' forum, there were many people who were supportive of what we try to do, (plus some of course who were not, adhering to orthodox ways- and fair enough, that’s what they do and what they need to swear by...) A nurse practitioner from Canada said she would forward to link on to all her colleagues in California. Our hits have certainly gone up on the West Coast of the States. Cool eh.

Let's have NO POSTAGE TO THE PAST-let's try not to remain for too long in an old holding pattern which may well have contributed to where we got to in terms of cancer diagnosis—‘we would rather be mired than changed, we would rather die in our dread, Than climb the cross of the moment And let our illusions die’—said the poet Auden Let’s ‘Be courageous in what we try, cautious in what we claim,’ advised psychologist Neal Miller. Not bad counsel for us all- The paradigm shift needs to be in our minds...and we CAN do it.

I posted this on Facebook and the CS page too...but here for those of you non-Facebookers...
"Last night a friend said 'your survival is less about what you do than who you are'--this caused me to think about which is definitely not a cult of personality site of the 'I Beat Cancer' variety- there are a huge amount of those on the web usually selling a book or something- we all help each other on this international group built site, 'insieme e bello' as they say in Italy- doing things together is great, and it we said in our last Newsletter- we sell NOTHING except self- empowerment and sure yes you do have to be determined, but that isn't confined to any one person!

With love and all the best for our collective onward path,
The Cansurviving Team