Life Review - a workshop day in London NW2

At the end of the day...

Life Review - a workshop day in London NW2

Postby Josefine » Tue Apr 04, 2017 7:51 pm

Life Review
A workshop day with Josefine Speyer

Saturday 10 June 2017
10am - 5pm

"The acceptance of oneself is the essence of the whole moral problem and the epitome of a whole outlook on life. Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word 'happy' would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness." C.G. Jung

"In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." Abraham Lincoln

Life review is a natural part of the ageing process and usually done quite informally as part of conversation and reminiscing. In old age short-term memory can become patchy, but long-term memory remains. Used in a more structured way, life review can become a creative project to help create a biography or to pass on knowledge of family history. It can also be used to help a person resolve painful issues of the past to reach a more peaceful state of mind in the present in preparation for dying. Josefine Speyer thinks of life review as an intricate part of preparing for a good death, but it can also be a used as a tool for unlocking blocked creativity.

unblocking creativity.jpg
unblocking creativity.jpg (6.66 KiB) Viewed 24828 times

The process of reviewing one’s life and looking at the whole story so far, can point to a leading theme that may have gone unnoticed. It is also a way of putting one’s affairs in order, to regroup and let go of what is no longer needed or wanted.

This workshop will introduce you to a structured form of undertaking a life review for yourself; looking at the whole of your life, from birth to the age you are now, using a time line. Doing this with a group of people and sharing the experience can be both helpful to you and supportive to others. It can inspire you with the necessary confidence to use life review in an informal or more formal way, when supporting people who are ill or dying, or as they go through advanced age. A life review is useful at any juncture, when embarking on a new chapter in life, when contemplating a career change, starting a family, approaching retirement or any change in life circumstances.

When you are unsure what you need your next steps in life to be, it is good to look back at your life, to see where you have come from and where you are now. What has been important to you? What is important to you now and in the future? With that in mind you will have a clearer sense of how to go on from here and your next steps will fall into place.

Josefine Speyer is a UKCP registered psychotherapist, a clinical supervisor and death educator based in London. She is a co-founder of the Natural Death Centre (1991) and of the Befriending Network (1994), now OxBEL. A co-editor of the Natural Death Handbook (2003) and a contributor to the latest edition (2012). She is a contributor to Ros Bradley’s A Matter of Life and Death (2016). In 2016 she received a Lifetime Achievements Award for the Natural Death Centre. Josefine offers workshops and talks on death education in London and elsewhere. She also hosts Natural Death Salons and death cafes. For more information contact


Early bird: £85 (before 1 May) self funded
£100 (after 1 May) self funded
£150 (organisation funded)


Advance booking only. Maximum number of eight participants.
Please email Josefine with your request, saying a little about yourself and your interest in attending this workshop. BAC details will be sent to you.
Your booking is confirmed with receipt of payment, at the latest by 2 June.
50% refund is given if cancellation is received by 26 May.

Please bring lunch to share. Refreshments will be provided.

A £4.50 visitor parking permit for the day can be obtained from Josefine on request.
She will need your car reg number in advance of the workshop to book it online the day before the workshop.


09:30 Registration and coffee
10:00 Start
11:30 Coffee
13:00 Lunch
15:30 Tea
17:00 End
Josefine Speyer
Psychotherapist UKCP reg.
020 8208 0670
Posts: 26
Joined: Fri Jun 06, 2014 5:54 pm

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