Alcohol causing breast cancer may be a myth

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Alcohol causing breast cancer may be a myth

Postby Teleny » Sun Dec 10, 2017 1:19 pm

The relentless message from the health authorities is that women should lay off the booze because of an increased risk of breast cancer. But a book published this month says the advice is probably mistaken. Experts from Harvard, Boston University Medical School, and even the US National Institutes of Health are quoted as saying that the evidence of a connection between alcohol and breast cancer is “weak”, “confusing”, “conflicted”
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and “paradoxical”.
The book cites animal studies which find that female mice, although genetically engineered to get breast cancer, and liberally supplied with alcohol, have no extra risk of the disease. It also reports on human research showing that women drinkers’ breast cancer death rates are no higher than non-drinkers’.

But isn’t alcohol supposed to be carcinogenic ? The book questions that notion too. Although drinking may slightly increase the risk of cancers of the colon, liver and esophagus, the evidence is equally strong that it decreases the risk of kidney cancer and many of the blood-borne cancers such as leukemia. How can the same liquid both cause and prevent cancer ? - a conundrum which partly explains the book’s intriguing title: [b]The Alcohol Paradox [/b].

The book contains a major chapter on cancer in general, plus a detailed discussion of the breast cancer issue. Other chapters cover the latest medical research data on heart disease, diabetes, dementia and obesity - all of which surprisingly are prevented by alcohol. A special section on wine offers exceptionally good news about cancer, showing that red wine in particular can reduce the risk of cancers of the stomach, lung, prostate and breast.

The book comes highly recommended in a Foreword by world-renowned cancer expert Professor Karol Sikora.

The Alcohol Paradox is printed in the USA and is not available in Europe; a European edition is expected to be published in late 2018.
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