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The PH Miracle

PostPosted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 5:40 pm
by Judith
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The Ph Miracle: Balance your Diet, Reclaim your Health, by Robert and Shelley Young,sets out what they call 'simple' changes to your diet. This is about switching to 80% alkalising foods- to bring the acid-alkaline balance into alignment. This way of eating (I don't like the term 'diet') will as they say 'unleash the full power of your body to heal itself'. This way of eating will indeed boost your immune system (your best friend with any form of cancer healing)and make you feel a whole lot better. It's important not to get overwhelmed with all their advice and strategies: a few steps each day or week and you'll get there gradually. Stressing about it isn't going to help, and stress is certainly NOT good for the body or the mind and the inter-relationship between them (see posts on other parts of the site). There are some good recipes and tips so that gradually you can have in your house a store cupboard full of things which can provide both the basis for these meals and ways to enhance them both nutritionally and in terms of taste. (As one friend said to me when I left one of 'my' salads in her house, full of beansprouts and seeds as well as a variety of greens and red vegetables 'I ate it afterwards, and you know, it tasted really nice!')There are detox guidelines, success stories, but sadly and irritatingly (for me at any rate) no index-quite an omission I think but don't miss out of the book because of that. You may have to ditch a lot of your previous recipe books from your old meat-eating red wine swilling days, but give this one a place on your shelf.

Re: The PH Miracle-index update

PostPosted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 3:06 pm
by Judith
There's an index in the new re-issued version (2010)--I had the 2002 one previously--not sure how you check that when buying on Amazon for instance: I got an updated one from my naturopath and it is WAY easier to get to what you'd like to read about of course...can't resist a quote here from St. Augustine which is in the acknowledgments: "Miracles happen not in opposition to nature, but in opposition to what we know of nature"...and of course as we all know, knowledge is power...

Re: The PH Miracle-Warburg update

PostPosted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 3:14 pm
by Judith
And if you need any more convincing that this Ph lark is a good plan, here's what a Nobel Prize Winner said back in the 30s....sorry I can't make it smaller to fit the page-but you can still see it via the up and down buttons! Every single person who has cancer

photo (3) WARBURG.PNG
photo (3) WARBURG.PNG (1.19 MiB) Viewed 15053 times

Nobel prize winner Dr. Otto Warburg demonstrated OVER 50 YEARS AGO the basic difference between normal cells and cancer cells. Both derive energy from glucose, but the normal cell requires oxygen to combine with the glucose, while cancer cells break down glucose without oxygen, yielding only about 1/15 of the energy per glucose molecule that a normal cell produces. This is why cancer cells have such a huge appetite for sugar
sugar - the dangers!.jpg
sugar - the dangers!.jpg (8.76 KiB) Viewed 13238 times

and why people who are obese get cancer more often. It's called the "biochemical cascade." (

Re: The PH Miracle

PostPosted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 6:11 pm
by lkile
Don't know if people already know about this concerning moving from an acidic to alkaline "interior" but from "Everything You Need to Know to Help You Beat Cancer" you might try this:

- a heaping teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate in a glass of warm water each AM on an empty stomach. Studies from three American cancer centres in 2009 showed that drinking a simple alkalising agent appeared to stop new metastases.

Hey - this is an "it can't hurt you and might help you" decision. Although a statistically insignificant example .... I went from a Ph of 5.5 (acidic) to 7.5 (alkaline) in about 10 days!
You can buy an inexpensive Ph test on Amazon.(see post on Ph Strips elsewhere on the site too)

I never miss a morning!

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Re: The PH Miracle

PostPosted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 6:03 pm
by lorrainecohen
Hi everyone

I buy my PH balancer for fulvic and humic acid from Mother Earth Labs because the quality of the products are superior! Fulvic and humic acid was mentioned as being critical in the Truth About Cancer series in the spring, 2015 to insure that nutrients and supplement are being absorbed into the cells:

Ph Balance.jpg
Ph Balance.jpg (4.41 KiB) Viewed 11859 times

I use PH Balancer every day because it not only provides superior alkaline support with fulvic and humic acid which is essential to optimum health, it does all this:

Restore and Maintain a Healthy pH Balance
Powerful Antioxidants to Neutralize Damaging Free Radicals
Nutritional Support
Anti-Microbial Support
Immunity Enhancement
Metabolic Support
Cellular Electrical Potential Enhancement
Heart, Cardiovascular, and Lymphatic Circulatory and Blood Oxygenation Support
Organ Cleanse and Detoxification
Digestive Support and Colon Health
Musculoskeletal Support
Anti-Aging and Youth Enhancement
Vision Enhancement
Energy, Mental Clarity and Alertness
Weight Management

I also use their Lugol's Iodine

May your healing journey be filled with Grace

In One Love,
