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Vitamins and related supplements

PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 7:13 pm
by Judith
Data linking BC with low levels of Vitamin D. ... Q-qekFoi-o

NB: Harvard Prof Walter Willet says one probably needs 3000 ius of Vit D per day to prevent breast cancer.
In terms of the 'orthodox' medication, I would be for not going for it--we have done so much more research now and if the dis-ease keeps coming back despite orthodox treatment (and it often comes back 'with a vengeance' it seems, once it has regrouped its forces for another attack having been attacked itself ...see new post by Teleny in Research forum, April 2014)) also as a psychotherapist I think of Freud's idea of 'the return of the repressed'--ie you can get rid of something for a time but then it gains strength and comes back.. ---there are many people curing themselves of deeply serious cancerous conditions by other means--but of course one has to come to 'one's very own decision' and that is often very hard with all the contrary voices out there and in one's own head--all I know is that I could not put my faith in treatments which totally violate the Hippocratic oath of 'first do no harm'
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...I have just come upon something called salvestrol, which targets only cancer cells and induces cell death (apoptosis)—there is good science available on the web (see link here) ... udies1.pdf ... earch.html ... 1477554114 ... iency.html

Here some case studies on the subject of salvestrol.

and here is another way forward instead of gobbling up anti-biotics--which are a huge hazard in terms of making your blood more acid.. ... he-body-1/

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