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Postby Judith » Tue Oct 22, 2013 7:05 pm

There are a huge variety of recommendations out there—all I can do is tell you that I do 30-40 minutes walking a day which is said to be Ok for people of 60 and over—

I really enjoy just walking round my neighborhood, sometimes through a local park but sometimes not, seeing things I’ve never seen before, bits of architecture that you’d miss in a car, lovely trees at all seasons, people who regularly walk their dogs & I make a point of greeting a few people if I can without being over-intrusive—Following on my diagnosis I started to walk: one woman (I think Polish) used to walk her dog in the park and I heard her dog’s name as JOY!! Great for me when I felt very low on it.

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It turned out she was a he and his name was Joey but never mind...Also see post November 2014 under Green Walks...Ben Okri sums it up for us all...

This 30-40 mins could also of course be gardening, bike riding, dancing (see music section) as well as walking—this helps for keeping the Emperor at bay and also as a by-product good for osteoporosis and heart disease. Can’t be bad. Someone half my age runs first thing in the morning and says the adrenalin keeps her going all day

I like walking in the sun or in the twilight or in the rain
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and even with the cold wind whistling---always something to enjoy—and it’s often a way of walking off the blues which I find may strike mid-afternoon- I also log onto the bbc weather website for the weather in my area and try if I can to time the walk with sunny spells—also just walking to the shops to get something I need so two things are achieved..

I used to go to Yoga classes but with all the things I now do each day (and I hope you'll start doing some of them too) and attempting to work a bit as well it’s hard to fit it all in. In the summer I did some Tai Chi in the park which was great-then I went to a local class and realized how important the teacher is as I found this latter class rather flat and mechanical—but Tai Chi is good and I do some of the moves each day if I can. Qi Gong is also worth a look-there are videos you can buy quite cheaply on Amazon and I have found Lee Holden’s Qi Gong to be good.

I hope others will post their own ideas about exercise up here too over time-
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Re: Exercise

Postby Rosa_M » Sun Nov 17, 2013 9:12 am

I love hot vinyasa yoga and also hot power yoga. I try to go in the morning if I can or at the weekends. Fitness on fire near old street is a great studio and always has deals.

I think doing exercise at lunch time is a great pick me up and also gets me away from the desk for a full hour.

Highgate ladies pond is a great place to swim. Some brave ladies swim all year round and break the ice in the winter. It's a beautiful spot and its become a tradition for mum and I to go first thing in the morning when she stays. There has been talk of a December dip.
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Re: Sitting is the new smoking...

Postby Judith » Sun Mar 02, 2014 8:01 pm

Sitting is the new smoking….
In the fifties even doctors were recommending smoking as being OK, now of course it’s banned in public places—SO now let’s hear it for a whole lot LESS SITTING--
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http://www.webmd.com/heart-disease/news ... h-problems

Ok spring is here and you may feel jauntier as in the UK at least the daffodils are doing their Wordsworthian thing and the birds are mating and nesting—so OK you walk at the weekends, maybe take long hikes over the hills and dales if you’re lucky enough to live near them, BUT you need to walk everyday. AND to take time out from your machines during the working week to walk around the office OR up and down stairs OR even go out and take the air…stretching your body too as you sit in your (maybe not ergonomically wonderful) typing chair— http://www.yogajournal.com/officeyoga/ --

we’re all chained to this mode of being now and it’s one of the factors that contribute to many serious diseases including cancer—and if you’re over 60 then every additional hour you spend sitting doubles your disease risks see : http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/artic ... -help.html —headsup all of us, walking is great…doctors are now warning that sitting too long shortens your life!!

You don’t have to spend all your time in the gym or invest a fortune on home exercise equipment. To improve your health from head to toe, you can incorporate “healthy movement” in many ways that won’t feel like a chore.

12 Fun Ways to Exercise (without being miserable)

1. Take regular walks with family, friends, and pets
2. Jump on a mini-trampoline while watching TV
3. Playing with your kids in the pool or at the beach
4. Turn “meeting over coffee” into a walk
5. Housework (yes, it really works)
6. Yoga, tai chi, pilates, water aerobics, or other “low-impact” classes
7. Join a community athletic league (and meet new people)
8. Power walk while you grocery shop or wait for a prescription
9. Take the stairs if you have the option
10. Park further from stores and use those extra steps
11. Bike or walk to work, friends’ homes, or to do errands
12. Use breaks at work to walk around the building with a co-worker

Exercise shouldn’t be awful. It can help prevent cancer – as well as dozens of other serious, life threatening diseases – and keep it from coming back.
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Re: Exercise and Chi Gung

Postby stellamillburn » Thu May 08, 2014 5:10 pm

Chi Gung's great for integrating mind and body - it quietens the "monkey mind" and relaxes and strengthens the body, reducing stress and dissolving tension, allowing the immune system to work effectively.

What starts out as a fairly simple set of exercises becomes more meditative and mindful as the movements become more familiar and awareness of the body grows. I try and find time to do some every day, if possible out in the garden (or even better at a nearby lake). It always makes me feel more grounded and calm and centred. And helps me sleep well at night!
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I see Judith's comment above about the difference a good teacher makes. We're lucky in North Lincolnshire to have Glen Jenkins glengj@virginmedia.com - he's a patient and inspiring teacher with over 30 years experience of teaching Chi Gung and Tai Chi (as well as other martial arts and meditation practices). He holds classes and workshops and also gives private lessons tailored to particular needs and circumstances.

I've just read that Macmillan are recognizing the benefits of Chi Gung to the whole person, and are holding classes in Glasgow specifically for people affected by cancer

8 minute Qi Gong exercise for energy when you need a boost--
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Re: Exercise

Postby Mkran Ihan » Fri May 16, 2014 7:38 am

Walking is a good exercise for the fitness, nearly every person can do it.
Morning walk is the best, if you do the morning walk for 30 minutes you can not only improve you fitness level, body strength, and stamina but also control you blood pressure, cholesterol level, heart problems, and weight gain problems.
Adam Prowse Personal Trainer,
2/539 High Street Maitland,
New South Wales 2320, Australia
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Re: Exercise

Postby ufusannon » Mon Aug 10, 2015 10:08 am

for me exercise is really effective way of healthy living so yah.

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Re: Exercise

Postby edwardfrancis » Wed Dec 13, 2017 11:59 am

Cycling is the best exercise....

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Re: Exercise

Postby bettywill » Tue Apr 17, 2018 9:20 am

Hi there, thanks for sharing helpful post.
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Re: Exercise

Postby fncbear » Tue Aug 11, 2020 5:43 pm

I promise to myself that after this corona i will be slim and healthy, Amen!!! Cheers to all people out there trying their best for a healthy lifestyle we can do it guys.
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